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Lift or ramp

Wheelchair lift

In a (mini-)bus is generally chosen for a wheelchair platform lift. At Goossens Adaptions you can find solutions for the installation and delivery of different types of wheelchair lifts. You can obviously also adapt the floor, add or eliminate chairs, ... to reach the ideal configuration that suits the customer’s needs.

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Aluminium slope

Goossens Adaptions also delivers and installs aluminium slopes. The advantage of these slopes is that they are very light, and are executed with a non-slipping profile.

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Seats, floor and safety locks

Each transformation for wheelchair transport is unique, as every time the needs of the customer are different. Therefore, Goossens Adaptions installs and delivers new floors on which chairs and wheelchair-locks can be attached according to the proper needs.

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Also for people with walking difficulties, there is a simple solution: the walk-up step. This solution is very user-friendly and is an absolute must for the transport of people with reduced mobility.

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